Tuesday, May 8, 2007

To whom it may concern,

Please excuse WCBF from school and all extracurricular activities, on account of the fact that she may be a carrier for some freakish eye disease. And because I would scare small children.
WCBF's eyelid

ps Don't you worry 'bout a thing... I basically brought an entire western pharmacy with me, so I have appropriate eyedrops (I think), and thanks to modern technology could email my doctor. Assuming the eyedrops work, guess who's under quarantine for the next few days!

pps Even if I wasn't under quarantine, we all know that there's no way in haaaaaayll I would leave the house like this.

ppps Of COURSE I took pictures.


Anonymous said...

ewww... freak!

Unknown said...

Woah. That's rather intense Amanda. I sure hope it's better.

Lisa said...
