Monday, March 12, 2007

I gots friends, ya'll!

Over the weekend, the couple who live in the apartment below mine invited me down to tea. No crumpets, but they did have dried seaweed, the taste of which is growing on me. Since they both DJ as a hobby and “practice” every day, I kiiind of wanted to hate them (why no headphones, guys?), but unfortunately they were very nice. We went out to dinner with a few other people from our building, and as far as I know I didn’t embarrass myself.

The next night I played a kRazY game of LOTR Monopoly, which was actually pretty fun until I lost. Same game as the traditional version, except the pieces and properties were different and I couldn't pronounce anything because I'm not a loser and consequently never saw the trilogy. I met another neighbor, who’s a wee li’l Irishman. It’s a good thing there wasn’t any drinking involved, because I definitely would have asked about his pot o’ gold and he definitely would have punched me in the face. Everyone's been very friendly and welcoming, but I don't think I've found anyone who would enjoy shopping for pointy stilettos or cocktail dresses with me. Though on my budget I'll need a Chinese sugardaddy to take me shopping, anyway.

Number of people here who grew up within 30 km of me: 2.
The Chinese keep asking why all Americans are from the same place.


Anonymous said...

me! that's me! i'm the one who likes to shop for pointy stilhettos and cocktail dresses with you, or for you, or for me . . .
kisses - B

p.s. nick and i found out that sudafed and vodka make for a nice cocktail. add that to your list - i'm sure they have some catchy name for it in china

Hopkins said...

hahaa i had to read that twice to figure out you were talking about "lord of the rings" monopoloy and not some "lottery monopoly" i had almost convinced myself was a real game haha