Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Return of the Sprit!

was the name of the Chinese Acrobat show I saw tonight. They were aiming for "Spirit." It reminded me of the Cirque, but lower budget, with a super-awesome synthesized soundtrack. The Senior Citizens group in front of us were fighting over a flask and started to leave 20 minutes before the show was over. And by "started to leave," I mean they stood up in front of us, looked around, and talked to each other at full volume. No actual leaving took place until the show was over.

blabla, look what I can do, watch me throw this girl in the air, who cares...

omg 12 people on a bike!

Seriously, twelve people on a bike, how is that even possible? Ok they're Chinese girls, so that's like, 6 life-sized people, but you've still got all those arms and legs to deal with.

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