A lot of people have been asking me the same questions about my current agenda. Hopefully this will straighten out some confusion.
You're moving to China?!? Why?
Big thangs goin down in China these days, so having this under my belt should help my career as an international woman of mystery. Also, I need a little adventure in my life.
What will you do there?
I'll be working for my US university, which has recently made some deals with schools in China and expects to see some growth in our interests here. They needed a man on the ground, and I was looking for a job, so here I am. The day-to-day activities, I'll determine as they come along.
I'll also be teaching English to Chinese students at a university here.
You don't speak Chinese, do you? How will you teach?
My Chinese is pretty much nonexistent, but trust me, the whole teacher/student little-common-language thing is nothing new. Hopefully I'll pick up some Chinese as I go along.
How long will you be gone?
2 years, I think...? We'll see.
Where are you, exactly? What's the weather like? What time is it there?
I'm currently based in Jinan, Shandong. It's pretty temperate, cold in the winter, hot in the summer. I'm 12 hours ahead of EST, so I'm basically from the future.
When can I come visit?
Tomorrow works for me.
WOW! I love your blog!
Thanks! I can't take credit for it all, though. Someone... whose name escapes me... came up with the title, and my sister designed the layout. She's awesome. Her blog is here.
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